Monday, July 26, 2010

Preparations- Parte Uno

I bunked college today...was a bit stressed out coz of the pimple on my forehead. Oh these bloody pimples , pop out just where ever they can & at all the wrong tyms... Today is Tantalizing Tuesday, the day when our group that we named as BLACK MAGIC JINX ASSOCIATION has a get together n we discuss various topics...topics that we find mystical or adorable or that we find interesting for that matter.

That reminds me of my pimple again...OMG! OMG! Wat am i gonna do.
May be i should use the magic potion that Mom Elvia gave me last bithday... It makes things vanish. Lemme see if it works.

The secret cupboard lies in the corner of my room, invisible.
Dum- dores-key,
Reveal my cupboard,
I wanna see...

The antique cupboard reveals it self, the door opens by itself n i see the range of potions gifted by my enchanting parents on various occasions.
Ah! Here It lies...the fluid in the bottle sparkles like million of sapphires put together...
Now lemme apply it on...

Dum-dores wick,
Cast your spell,
Make it vanish quick.(And sprinkle it on)

Aha...done! now lemme see in the mirror....
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Wat the hell is this. My entire forehead has vanished.
I should have thought of this before.

That does it!!! Now i have to be in my room for rest of the day coz obviously i dont want anyone to see me without a forehead...But Gosh! Could have been worse. Thank God my brains didnt vanish.

Will write back after i get back to wat i originally was. I wish it gets better before 12. Going to the meet with a pimple is better than with no forehead at all. Dad will kill me if he comes to know i had cast a wrong spell...

God Save Me!!!

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